gt35pro Elite 35mm adapter edge sharpness mod for HVX200
Some users have asked me how to improve the picture edge sharpness of the gt35pro Elite 35mm DOF adapter so here is an article to show the modification to be done with the gt35pro Elite when used with a HVX200. This procedure will help give better corner sharpness. If you are using the Canon mount then you will need to go to ebay and buy the cheap asian macro extension tube. On ebay, do a 'macro tube canon' search and you can order one from there. If you are using the Nikon mount then you will need the Nikon extension tubes. This modification will improve corner sharpness by about 50-60 percent. You just need to follow one of the diagrams depending if your locking screws are higher on the #1 ring or lower on the #2 ring (newer models). Here are the pictures to follow...