The affordable 35mm DOF adapter for everyone

What is a 35mm DOF(depth-of-field) adapter? Here is the Wiki description:

A depth-of-field adapter (often shortened to DOF adapter) is used to achieve shallow depth of field on a video camera whose sensor size is not adequate to achieve it natively. A DOF adapter could theoretically be used on a multitude of platforms, although it is most useful on prosumer digital camcorders where high resolution is a capability but the sensor size is still small enough to elicit use of the adapter. The term 35mm adapter is common, since most designs use a focusing screen the size of a 35mm film frame (24x36 mm) and interface with lenses designed for 35mm cameras.

Notice that the description says that it is most useful on prosumer digital camcorders. This is a blog I created specially to make the 35mm DOF adapter available to all consumers and enthusiasts.


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